REAL relationship:

A six week program to powerfully transform yourself and your love relationship.

11.4.21 - 12.16.21



You’re here because we know you well or someone who loves you wanted to bring this powerful offer to your doorstep. This is not a program we are out marketing to the public and there is limited space. The best way to connect is voice to voice. If you have any questions at all, or just want to get a feel for how we are facilitating this program, please call one or both of us (contact robin - contact David) for a quick ten minutes right away. We are excited to talk to you, feel into our fit, and share the details of what this container will provide.

Look, the truth is that we have both - individually and together - been in the deep trenches of relationship. We aren’t coming to you from a candy coated fairy-tale, we are coming from what is real and true. We are leaning into our relationship and our love while holding tender space for real imperfection - and we have found that this actually works. Here are some of the questions we have dared to ask ourselves and each other, and taken to our favorites experts. We want to invite you into this powerful conversation and share the tools, teachings and practitioners that have helped.

  • Have you ever been so deeply betrayed in your relationship that you aren’t sure you’ll recover from the grief?

  • Have you made a relationship or sexual choice that you are convinced the world would never understand and you are afraid to reveal?

  • Are you worried (or convinced) that you, or your partner, are carrying the trauma and pain of a past relationship into your current relationship?

  • Are you experiencing the intimacy of lit up, frequent sex, eye-contact, deep conversation, and laughter with your partner that you dream of?

  • Do you know how to access the support you need both within and outside of your relationship to live your most vital and expressed life?

  • Do you have the tools and practices for authentic dialog with your partner about work-life, or kid-couple balance?

We recently started working with a new-to-us extremely talented couples therapist. In our third session with him he said, “you two check all the boxes of things that put stress on a relationship. You have two very challenging exes, financial pressures, histories that include trauma and abuse. You have a recent out of state move, you’ve blended families and you are still together, leaning into your love and working it out. That is pretty amazing!

This led us to spend time reflecting on all the amazing tools we use to keep ourselves and our relationship thriving: from elite healers, to clearing techniques, meditation practices, radical honesty, the food we share and the supplements and essences we work with.

Basically, how the hell are we doing this relationship in the face of our past and current adversity? How do we continuously co-create this life where we get to live together in the mountains, dare at great love and a family for a second time? What have we done to recover and repair from the hardest parts of life - trauma, loss, betrayal and abuse? How do we thrive as individuals and a couple, as parents and a family? How do we manage the ups and downs with a deep devotion to transform together and prioritize our love?

To be blunt, between the two of us we have tried just about everything and are blessed to have a truly talented team of support. They have taught us, worked with us, trained us - and continue to support us with their wisdom, tips, tools, practices, and referrals...even when we fuck it up in our relationship they powerfully and lovingly get us back on track. We are committed to providing you with our working interpretations of their most important teachings for you to customize to your relationship. (And of course we will give their contact info as well if you want to go deeper.)

We have spent a combined total of 51 years working with an elite worldwide team of healers and practitioners, as well as training in transformative practices such as ancestral clearing, traditional shamanic healing, NET, TFT, somatic meditation, tibetan buddhist practices, yoga, flower essences, primal movement and more…We have an arsenal of tips, tools, practices, and referrals that will literally be everything you need to access the life and relationship you long for.

We understand that it is messy and can get downright nasty in the trenches of love and relationship. (Want to hear about the time robin took her clothes off to stay open and vulnerable during one of our biggest arguments?!) This is not a program based on pretending life is easy. We welcome you in as you are. The container will include elite level privacy, safe space, and clearing techniques for the things you are afraid to admit to even your closest friends.

Questions about REAL relationship? Remember we are excited to have a quick call with you any time. Call robin. Call David.



  • Dates: November 4, 2021 - December 16, 2021

  • Space Clearing: the single most powerful tool David has witnessed and experienced for any two humans to participate in. 1-3 hours of personalized work to clear any mental/emotional static or friction between the two people treated. This transforms ANY relationship.

  • One on one sessions: 1 with David and 1 with Robin included.

    You can book your one on one sessions with Robin and David as soon as you register.

  • Weekly confidential remote ancestral clearing: Each person individually email your top two problems, concerns, or breaking points by Tuesday at 5pm EST and we will clear the spiritual and energetics of these remotely. You can begin submitting for remote clearing as soon as you register.

  • Live information and coaching calls: Thursday evenings from 8-9 EST every week. Live calls will be recorded, but we strongly suggest you attend live.

  • 2 bonus Q&A calls: Straight-up, transparent, unadulterated Q&A. Ask us anything, ie... food, sex life, finances, favorite practitioners, parenting etc.

  • Office hours: 1 hour Monday 1-2 EST. R&D available on zoom. Drop in, first come first serve. Short questions or support. Not recorded.

  • One elite guest speaker who is some one we have worked with intimately and supported us greatly.

  • We will support facilitating truth & accountability partners for those who wish for the additional support.

More about US:

Meet David. Meet robin.

Meet us as an US: David and robin have known each other as family friends since 2015. They instantly developed a friendship as confirmed alternative healing & lifestyle geeks. In 2018 they both found themselves single, and grieving the loss of dear friends, and they reconnected in person while David was on the east coast for the summer. As you might guess, they talked to each other, friends, and their beloved practitioners for hours (and hours) about the ins and outs of transitioning from friends to romance before even going on a first date. Over the years they have been together they dated long distance, California - Massachusetts, long distance New Hampshire - Massachusetts. They cohabitated (and got engaged!) during Covid lockdown in 2020 and robin and her kids moved to New Hampshire so they could officially blend families in June of 2021. David and robin have a total of 6 children, one dog and one cat and live mindfully, joyously, and a bit crazily on the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee soaking in views of the White Mountains.