next session spring 2023
a small group, immersive experience created to support you in discovering your own unique and true embodied awakening now.
late summer 2021 i was getting clear that it was time to create something new. i was ready to step out of my own old comfort zone and into a space that was more authentically me, and i felt that there were women who were ready to join me in this journey. i could feel that it was time for something bigger, deeper, more intimate, safer, more profound. a place for us to hold each other and experience the depth, pleasure, and alignment of awakening as a constellation of beings. a group to amplify our devotion and practices. a space to unfurl into our true nature.
how do we know?
my promise is to give the women who join this experience my raw, unfiltered, unrestricted self. my compassionate energetics, wisdom, and presence, and all the tips, tools and practices that i have learned and gathered along the way as i explored my own path. and, my completely turned on, tuned in, turned up intuition and guidance. my request is that your yes be a powerful yes, even if that power is the tiniest little courageous voice of your brave self, your longing deep inside - and that you understand that your embodied awakening is uniquely, beautifully, YOURS. it is not a thing that i could ever claim to give to you, offer to you, or do for you. but it is something that i know how to hold profound, powerful, devotional space for you to discover, embody, explore and celebrate. i truly believe that this small group format is the best way for us to do that together. are you a yes?
“Deeply intuitive and insightful - solid, specific communicator (in realms where words can be cumbersome or feel inaccurate). Useful. Deep. Honest. Funny. Authentic. I have deep respect for Robin.”
“robin’s ability to hold the group together while tending to individual needs is brilliant. Trustworthy, practical, human, otherworldly. Deeply deeply committed to our awakening.”
“robin has an ability to lead without making me feel like I was lost. Her willingness to receive and transmit so much gold to each member of the group is mind blowing. I am truly amazed at the balance of robin as the channel and robin as a human who can translate the downloads into digestible and useful info!”
know you are a yes and want to secure a spot? place your deposit and be welcomed into the portal.
what will it be?
well, first of all i promise you that it will be customized in every moment to exactly what comes through, because that is how i roll. we will do, practice, and experience what is needed for us in each breath, in each call, as an answer to each day and each inquiry that arises during our time together. with that said, of course we have details:
beginning spring 2023!
PORTAL ONE is open for 12 weeks. 12 live sessions and 12 weeks of virtual support
live small group calls roughly 75 -90 mins - attendance strongly requested, calls will be recorded
shared virtual space (telegram group) for what arises: questions, issues, fears, celebrations, card draws, updates & live practice downloads
your own private 1:1 sessions with robin during our time together
a library of shorter guided practice recordings to use for your daily practice
$3300 (flexible payment plans & partial scholarships available)
“One of my deepest wishes has been a sense of inner peace and this container has delivered that and so much more.”
“In some ways PORTAL ONE is the most otherworldly, fantastical, nebulous, confusing thing that I have ever done. And in other ways it’s the most practical, obvious, grounded, logical thing I have ever done. And that’s the beauty of it. It’s limitless, and it’s tightly bound. It’s both and. I get to show up where all the parts of me are welcome.”
“I love the PORTAL ONE community itself: a collective practice is truly enriching. But without your presence it wouldn’t be the same. I’m consistently shocked by how much you give to us.”
are you curious?
let’s talk about PORTAL ONE and feel into the fit…grab a free ten minute call and a cup of tea and we will decide together.
an important note on my pricing:
i set my pricing based on a clear and inherent sense of the value of what soyala provides. i also am committed to being available to you even if my pricing is genuinely out of your current reach. if you find yourself longing to join in any of my programs or sessions, but the price is stopping you, simply contact me. we can work together to create creative payment plans and reduced pricing as in alignment with your real and true financial situation. i also work creatively with people in abundance positions to provide scholarship and donation opportunities. if this is you, contact me to arrange a gift.