robin lives in small town new england with her large blended family and a small collection of unruly four legged light bringers. when she's not working, her days include getting the kids off to school, quick blending green smoothies, devotional movement and awareness shifting practices, romping barefoot in the woods, reading any book she can get her hands on, feeling behind on laundry, exploring awakening, listening to anam thubten teachings, texting with kindreds while walking the dog, and wondering what to make for dinner.
she began studying telepathy and traditional shamanic healing practices in 1998 and earned a MA in counseling psychology in 2008. since then she has studied voraciously from flower essences and energy healing to primal movement, tibetan buddhist practices, and polarity. robin has been working as a luminary intuitive - guiding embodied awakening spiritual practices through private and group session work in multiple modalities for over twenty years.
robin’s favorite foods are steamed artichokes with lemon butter, & rice noodle ramen. she is a closet bachelor/bachelorette fan, and spends a little too much time in favorite silk pajamas.
robin believes that every human being has the capacity to move into a more comfortable life experience as we explore the pathways to our own embodied liberation and awakening - and that this exploration ignites authentic compassion for all beings everywhere - completely changing the way we engage with the field. want to play along? let robin be your guide. choose an existing offering or reach out to connect and see what the best fit is.
want a taste of robin?
simple & effective practices are at the core of the life philosophies that shape all of my work. please enjoy this short guided practice.