offerings for the now

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free daily practice :: zoom practice 1:15 EST

short guided practice and simple check-in. drop in any day you want!

in these changing times, hannah and i decided to offer a free, short, daily zoom as a way to pause, breathe, come present, and experience some community. we co-host this every day, yes, every day even the weekends. you are welcome to come once, come when you can, or come everyday.

nothing is required of you at all. no previous experience is necessary.

the daily zoom includes a 7-15 minute practice guided by robin. the whole session usually run for about 20 - 25 minutes.

if you want a daily reminder & link texted to you around 1pm est send me your phone number and i’ll add you to the list:

you can also join live now below, the password is “zoom”

GIFT a card reading :: three cards for the now $25

what a beautiful time to give a gift, to let someone know you are thinking of them, loving them, or missing them. give this card reading to a loved one to provide loving support in the now, or GIFT it to your very deserving self…

this GIFT is a 3 card reading, which can happen on zoom video conference, FaceTime, or a phone call. the session will take approximately 20 minutes. an iPhone photo of the cards is included in the cost of the session.

what can we gather from a card reading? here are some sample questions that we can use to guide the draw:

  • how can i show up to myself now?

  • how can i show up to my loved ones and greater community?

  • is there a specific kind of energy that sustains me now?

  • is there guidance on how to experience my own power or vitality?

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mini sessions now :: pay what you can ($10/$25/$50)

i am currently offering a handful of “pay what you can” reduced rate mini-sessions each week. these session will run approximately 20 minutes long and are designed to give you an infusion of practice, support, or guidance in these unknown times. the sessions will be held virtually by phone, FaceTime, or zoom video conferences. these sessions are meant for members of the community who are wanting some extra help and don’t have the financial resources to pay to the standard rates.

if you are wanting a mini session and would prefer to barter please contact me to arrange this.

if you are in a financial position to pay the standard hourly rate please book here.