
amplify your experience of LOVE, FREEDOM & JOY

a free, 4 day, mini teachings & guided practice container

recently, i allowed myself a stay-at-home honeymoon in which i centered daily practices and life style decisions that massively amplified my internal levels of love, pleasure, happiness, playful freedom, sensuality and joy. it was a floaty spacious time that was the perfect integration for me post wedding - laying the groundwork for a deeper stability in how i truly i want to feel. as i worked this magic with myself i wondered why we don’t do this more often?

honeymoon is my offer to you. make space in your daily life for how you truly want to feel.

  • 4 days of live short guided practice and teaching transmissions.

  • encouragement and guidance towards your own experience of joy, freedom, pleasure and love.

  • 1 closing session that includes Q & A.

  • free as can be.

  • yes, all live gatherings will be recorded.

honeymoon is for you. yes, you.

you mostly feel tired, listless, and confused about how to proceed with your days. you’re not sure there is anything that could really help you feel happier. the word sensual made you cringe. you think “love” is over-used in current spiritual-speak.

OR, you’re doing a bunch of practice but not feeling any different. your in a partnership that feels habitual or stale. you love your kids but your parenting is missing sparkle. you like the concept of silk pajama’s but you can’t imagine actually buying them.

OR, you’ve been curious about working with me, but not sure which program is right for you. you aren’t sure that what i offer will actually help. you’re friend or practitioner has recommended my containers but you’ve felt they might be too weird or unclear for you. what is “intuitive,” “embodied awakening,” or “the field,” anyway?

OR, something feels off in your job, your health, or connection with nature, and you can’t quite put your finger on how to feel better. your yoga or meditation practice feels stale. you’re really great at cultivating stillness and emptiness but heat, love and joy are evading you…

i’ve got you. come try a honeymoon.