Robin is the clearest and most powerful channel I have ever witnessed...

in years past, i have gathered with a circle of women under the new moon in october to share the magic and blessing of channeling their ancestors. i have always had a comfort with navigating the underworlds and am many times over initiated in the heavy earthen moss of depression, death, endings and loss. i have stayed away from sharing this channeling of those on the other side practice publicly because i was afraid it would come with some kind of label that would be too sticky to shake off. but, as this october arose i knew i was ready to heed the clear calls and invite you to sit with me.

ancestral channel will be a limited time offering for the month of october. you can choose a private session, curate your own group session with family or friends, or join my live virtual circle on the evening of october 27.

i define an ancestor as a blood or chosen relative, kindred spirit or best friend who is no longer living. ancestral channeling is an opportunity to connect with an ancestor from the other side to gather guidance and advice and offer love and gratitude. please plan to connect with one ancestor per session. any questions? just ask.

Sitting with Robin as she reaches across the veil is like nothing else you will ever do. She creates a connection with loved ones that feels familiar and safe while often revealing something unexpected that was definitely needed.
— NS

a private session is appropriate for one person to purchase for robin to channel one ancestor.


a curated group session is appropriate if you want to create your own small group (suggested size 3-6 people ). several members of your group may have the opportunity to connect with one ancestor.

Robin’s ability to connect with spirit is truly a gift. She has a beautiful way of bridging the realms of past and present with incredible grace and love. My experience with her left me feeling peaceful and affirmed with a loved one who had passed.
— NP

an important note on my pricing:

i set my pricing based on a clear and inherent sense of the value of what soyala provides. i also am committed to being available to you even if my pricing is genuinely out of your current reach. if you find yourself longing to join in any of my programs or sessions, but the price is stopping you, simply contact me. we can work together to create creative payment plans and reduced pricing as in alignment with your real and true financial situation. i also work creatively with people in abundance positions to provide scholarship and donation opportunities. if this is you, contact me to arrange a gift.